Thursday, April 9, 2009

RE: Davids comment on my Toronto Draft post

Daivd, I'm addressing you personally because you are the only one who comments on my sports columns, which I love you for. So I'm going to individually address each of your 6 points.

1)" No one cares bout the Leafz. Though having brothers play together would be cool. Itd be like the Sedins. Cept not as good."

For sure, but you don't know that. The Sedins were drafted right after eachother and #2 and #3, so they were expected to produce from the get go, and they have.

2) "No player under 6'4 should be drafted with pick 1 unless Jose is traded."

Check their profiles.

Tyreke Evans
Demar Derozan

3) ""Bosh might very well be traded. I saw somewhere Bosh + pick for Green + Watson + Thabo + pick.Then we go get Griff I guess.

Yeah, but I'm talking about who the Raptors should draft if no major changes are made.

4) "I want this guy."

Me too, we're not getting him though.

5) Then this guy

Me too, but we don't have a late pick, and he's a reach at #9.

6) Then this guy

No doubt, he's a bonafide psycho. We have Marion though, if the Raptors get rid of him, Ron Ron would be a suitable replacement.

1 comment:

  1. I like Demar. My 6'4 comment was that the raps shouldn't draft Curry, or Flynn, or Teague. Or someone of that type.

    Need a wing. No PGs. Epecially PG/SGs who play like SGs and look like PGs
